This Adapter allows Astro to deploy your SSR site to Lambda@Edge Lambda target.
This Adapter allows Astro to deploy your SSR site to Lambda@Edge Lambda target.
Table of Contents (ToC) generator for Astro. Use custom components for interactivity.
Adds a Cloudinary image component to Astro
Use Fuse.js to search documents in your Astro site
An astro integration of i18next + some utility components to help you translate your astro websites!
> **Experimental package - Please refer to source code if you don't feel comfortable using it.**
Astro Service Worker for plain (vanilla) Javascript files.
astro-rename is an Astro integration that brings postcss-rename functionality to your Astro project without the need for configuration.
This Astro integration generates preview images for external links.
Give credits to the awesome JS open-source community with this component. It will generate a table with important informations about packages used by your project.
Form validation library for Astro 🔥
An Astro integration for Orama
Astro middleware for chinese md page.
This is a template for an Astro component library. Use this template for writing components to use in multiple projects or publish to NPM.
Add partial rendering to your Astro project
Galactiks Astro integration
This **[Astro integration][astro-integration]** allows you get the hash used by the astro compiler to scope css rules.
Add Decap CMS’s admin dashboard to your Astro project
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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