Generic, batteries-included prototype for Astro pages
Generic, batteries-included prototype for Astro pages
⭐ An Astro component that renders post excerpts for your Astro blog - directly from your Markdown files. Astro v2 collections are supported as well! 💎
This is a template for an Astro component library. Use this template for writing components to use in multiple projects or publish to NPM.
Use Web Workers in Astro
This package is a package that allows you to use flow components inside of Astro. Flow components are components that emulate control flow in the form of components. These components are typed well.
Embed an interactive map in your webpage. Using Leaflet.js under the hood.
Astro Component for CSS reset like tailwind base
This is a template for an Astro integration. Use this template for writing integrations to use in multiple projects or publish to NPM.
**astro-toast** is a simple library for displaying toasts on your website.
Make sure you never leak security-sensitive code to the browser.
Support AsciiDoc pages in Astro
Deploy your Astro app to a Node.js server powered by Hono.
Get your Lucide icons right into your Astro project
Astro-i18n plus is an international plugin that automates basic operations without the need for manual page management or interference with your src directory.
Viewport scroll position and direction watcher. Binds states data attributes to `HTML` for further JS/CSS usage. Scroll event is throttled for performance economy.
Add Netlify CMS’s admin dashboard to your Astro project
This Astro integration brings satori to your Astro project.
Astro Accordion - HTML, CSS and a bit of javascript made with Custom Elements accordion for Astro.
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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